Debenhams chine collé print

Drypoint with chine collé

Chine collé is a printmaking method where thin paper is glued onto a thicker paper before printing. This creates a layered effect in the final print.

I use a starch glue called Yamato Nori Starch Paste which you can buy online in 220g green tubes. I would definitely recommend this glue as it transparent and is less messy than PVA.

Yamato Nori starch paste

I also started work on a brand new print this weekend which going to be a Lino print of the former Stockport College building.

Lino plate first line cut

Bury Art Museum visit

Recently, I arranged a visit to the Bury Art Museum and Sculpture Centre with a history meetup group.

After visiting the Fusiliers museum over the road, we made our way to see the Bury Open exhibition which was still showing in the upstairs gallery.

Photo of myself at the Bury Open looking at my Robinsons brewery burnished etching print

The art gallery at Bury has a superb permanent collection of fine art and sculpture such as the painting by JWM Turner entitled “Calais Sands at Low Water, Poissards Collecting Bait”.

Calais Sands at Low Water, Poissards Collecting Bait by JWM Turner

I am currently preparing ideas for future prints while I take a short break from the printing. The photo below shows the remaining prints I will be working on in the coming months for this printmaking project.

I have also been updating the website gallery with my latest prints from the last 12 months. There are now two online galleries. You can access them in the menu navigation.

Next month, I will be attending a 1-day Japanese woodcut printmaking workshop. More to follow on this soon…