The project so far…

Over the last few years, I have been creating a portfolio of prints in different styles and printing techniques. I reckon there is still many more subjects to cover for the Stockport In Print project which should conclude by the end of next year. A lot of my work centres around architecture new and old and the changing surroundings of Stockport with all the new developments going up. As my project progresses, I will include these new buildings in my work. The latest is the new RedRock entertainment and dining quarter. Stockport Exchange near the railway station is another development of new glass and metal office blocks, shops and a hotel.

As I am in the fifth year of the project, it is a good time to review my work. I will be adding all the prints I have created so far to this blog site.

Whenever the subject of Etching Aquatint comes into the conversation, I am asked what it is? and how do you create an etching? I have had an idea which has been mulling over in my head for a bit. The idea would be to create a short video describing the process from start to finish. I will be filming this video sometime in the near future for broadcast soon.

For now I am having a short break from the project and hope to return next month with a new print.

Bye for now 🙂