Albrecht Dürer’s material world

I had some time off recently and decided to visit the Dürer exhibition in Manchester at the Whitworth Art Gallery. This is the first major exhibition of Dürer’s work for fifty years.

Rare woodcut block
Exhibition introduction

I was fascinated by the process of woodcut printing and the woodcut block on display, so much detailed work and observation of the subject matter. The exhibition covers the career of Dürer over his life and is located over two galleries linked by a long corridor which has a timeline of event in his lifetime.

My favourite woodcut print was of the large horse (circa 1505).

The large horse (circa 1505)

Later in the day, I had an appointment with Bury Art Museum to drop off and collect some of my prints at the art shop. One of my prints i submitted is the canal print (as seen below)

Macclesfield canal (Etching Aquatint)

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